
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bloggers Unite - Chainmaille by MBOI

This Weeks Featured Artisan is Chainmaille by MBOI

Chainmaille is an ancient art that dates back before the 5th century. ChainmalleByMBOI creates pieces using a variety of metals including Sterling Silver, Copper, Aluminum, Brass, and Bronze.

You can find and follow Chainmaille MBOI:

Until Next Time, Happy Sales


  1. Love the chain and all the photo's posted!

  2. Wow! Lovely jewelry! Very unique! Shared on Google +!

  3. You are quite talented.
    Your blog site is great,
    Your jewelry is pretty &
    I love the tags.
    Great Job!!!

    The bracelet is just beautiful!
    You are quite talented. Your blog is great


Thank you for taking the time to let me know what you think!! I Love your comments!

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