
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bloggers Unite - MCatherine Lunsford of Hide a Heart

Keep the language of love alive with one of Hide a Heart's glass hearts to create an enduring, positive, sentimental, romantic, fun and charming expression of affection for a lover, family member or friend. (Say that 10 times fast...lol)

You can find and follow Hide a Heart here:

Are you On Fire for Handmade? http://onfireforhandmade.com

Until Next Time, Happy Sales 


  1. That's a sweet idea. Who doesn't love hearts?
    Thanks again for the parcel! ♥ Here's a heart for you!

  2. A sweet and simple idea and especially for this time of the year when we are all looking for a simple something to let family and friends know how much we care.


Thank you for taking the time to let me know what you think!! I Love your comments!

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